Follow My Finance

Our services consist of accompanying you in your financial and accounting procedures.

Meetings and Communications

Do you need us to talk on the phone? Organize a reunion? With great pleasure! We organize an appointment that suits your schedule and ours, and we will answer all your questions. These benefits will not be charged separately. We know that when you ask us something, it is important to receive an answer as soon as possible. Therefore, in general, we respond to emails within a maximum period of 48 hours, usually 24 hours. We will be available to answer your requests throughout the quarter and not just during filing periods. You will only have the same trusted interlocutor to manage all your issues.

Other procedures and statements

Annual income declaration for residents, non-residents and model 720, with separate budgets

Frequent questions

In itself, the management is fast. It depends on how quickly you send us the necessary documentation. These are the steps: sign the contract, fill out the form to obtain the information for registration, shipping, obtaining the digital certificate (if necessary), choosing the activity code(s), registration and at the end we will have a meeting to talk about taxes, billing, deductible expenses and organization.

Yes, at the beginning of any collaboration to monitor the status of self-employed, we will take the necessary time to explain how Social Security, taxes, billing, deductible expenses and the organization.

Of course!

Through a platform where you will have access at all times. Everything is done online. There is no paper waste.

To avoid rejections in case of tax control, all your invoices will be reviewed one by one. If necessary, you will receive advice so that they cannot be rejected and not receive sanctions from the Tax Agency. 

Nothing more! With these documents it is enough to be able to meet all your tax obligations.

Yes, at all times through the platform.

You will always receive an email with the results and a reminder on how to verify the documents and accounting.

You will always have to validate the declarations with results by email before their presentations.

They will be available at all times through the platform.

From 2023, the self-employment fee is paid according to actual income. To receive Social Security benefits with the correct amounts, it is important to inform them and/or check the business’s performance several times a year. We will manage it for you.

We will manage all the updates that are necessary in the Tax Agency and Social Security without any additional expense.

Of course and without any additional expense.

You just have to send it to us and we will process it together, without additional costs.

We accompany you throughout the entire process, without additional costs.

Of course.

Por email, de manera general, contestamos a los emails en plazo máximo de 48 horas, habitualmente 24 horas. Estaremos disponibles para contestar a sus solicitudes durante todo el trimestre y no sólo durante los periodos de presentación de declaraciones. Sólo tendrá un mismo interlocutor de confianza para gestionar todos sus temas. También podremos organizar una llamada o una reunión con video.

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